Welcome to Revolution Health & Fitness

We’re on a mission to help powerful women build strong bodies and confident minds.

At Revolution, our signature coaching model blends fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle tools to empower women and wellness coaches alike to thrive in all areas of their lives.


Meet the Team

Coach Krys


  • Hey y’all, my name is Coach Krys! I am the Head Coach & CEO of Revolution Health & Fitness. I am a NASM certified CPT & CNC along with my OFNC specialization certification and am in the process of my Pre and Post Natal Coaching Specialization. 

    ​My goal is to help others build a strong mind & body without restriction!

    Once upon a time, I was that person who spent endless hours in the gym either running on the treadmill or doing random exercises in hopes of chasing this "ideal" physique. I followed fad diets, tried some dieting pills, cut out fun foods and isolated myself from the world because I thought that is what I needed to do to be #fit - long story short, none of it worked. Sure, maybe the scale went down but none of these habits were healthy, enjoyable or sustainable. After years of yo-yo dieting, over training and disordered eating, I finally said enough is enough! It became my goal to achieve my own happy and healthy lifestyle without compromising my physical, mental or emotional well-being.

    Today you will see me lifting heavy weights, enjoying cardio on my own terms, eating fun foods when I want and not feeling one ounce of guilt for it. I learned how fun and fulfilling life can be if I just gave myself a little more flexibility which led me to creating my own coaching business that focuses on the same for others!!

    Enough of wasting money and time on unsustainable results that leave you drained and burnt out. My team & I are here to give you all the tools and resources to help you level up your health journey! This journey is about breaking through barriers, getting out of our comfort zones and unlocking the potential we know is within us without compromising our mental or physical health!

Coach Megan


  • Hey! It's Coach Megan - Head Assistant Coach for Revolution Health & Fitness, Registered Dietician, Certified Personal Trainer, and most importantly NOT the food police.

    To get to know me a little better, I feel that it's only fair if I share my true and raw self. That being said, my health and fitness journey is a complicated one to say the least. My passion for nutrition/fitness started in high school as an unhealthy approach to lose weight and be accepted after a few too many rude comments about my body from immature boys.

    In my mind, the more I learned about nutrition and working out, the better, but I didn't realize how negatively it was affecting my life as a whole. Impacting my social life, moods, and my beliefs about what was "healthy", wasn't healthy at all- I just couldn’t see this myself yet. I found myself saying no to going out to eat with friends, spent hours working out, and food was more stressful than enjoyable for me.

    Like many of us out there, I fell into the traps of diet culture and got lost in trying all the fad diets, felt guilty for eating too many carbs, and being so hyper-focused on food that I wasn't able to live my life to the fullest.

    I finally realized that my “healthy” lifestyle was far from healthy and knew that this endless cycle I felt stuck in needed something to change. I changed my perspective and philosophy on nutrition and working out (with years of work on myself- trust me this didn’t happen with the flip of a switch!). I found out how to fall in love again with nourishing my body and moving it in a way that made me feel good, both mentally and physically. 

    Which is what brings me to where I am today and why I am here to help you to achieve your balance between all things health, fitness, & life. Your journey may be far from, or very similar to mine, but no matter the circumstance, I am on YOUR team and I am here for you to push you, cheer for you, and educate you how to become the expert of your own body so you can reach your goals without having to sacrifice anything you love.

Coach Devin

Assistant Coach

  • Hey y’all, I’m Coach Devin and I am an assistant coach & NASM CPT here on the Revolution Health & Fitness team!

     Let’s take a little trip down memory lane! Growing up I remember I was ALWAYS the smallest kid in class. I remember looking at all of my friends growing up and wishing I would look like them one day!! Flash forward to high school, I was an athlete playing soccer and volleyball. Playing sports kept me pretty active and taught me some basic knowledge of working out but then college came and I no longer had that outlet.

     The first couple of years of college I really struggled with self confidence. I was still so tired of being the small, skinny girl and not being the best strongest version of myself. I didn’t know how to get myself back into fitness (I was terrified of the gym!!) and I definitely enjoyed the college lifestyle those years but I just felt lost. Finally, at one of my lowest points, I just decided enough is enough. I started researching and learning all about fitness and it’s world. And that’s where the fun parts of life began!!

    In the beginning of 2020, I hired my first coach, (hey Coach Krys!!). By investing in my own health, it empowered me to step into a gym for the first time, get my first job in the fitness industry as a personal trainer at a local Crunch Fitness AND led me to start this amazing job I have now with Revolution Health & Fitness!

    So here I am now training to be the best and strongest version of myself and ready to encourage you to accomplish your own health and fitness goals!

    Don’t be afraid to take up space and make the gym your own. Change the narrative of “I want to be skinny” to “I want to be confident, strong and proud of myself” and get ready to do amazing things!

Coach Carly


  • Hi there, I’m Coach Carly! I am an Assistant Coach and Pain Specialist with Revolution Health & Fitness and a Physical Therapist Assistant that specializes in Pain Neuroscience that loves her cat & drinking americanos. 

    I have been in the patient care world for 6 years now helping patients heal, get over the vicious cycle of chronic pain, and return to their prior level of function in order to improve their quality of life. In this setting I push to make every exercise a patient does, functional. 

    I began my wellness journey in 2018 after recovering from disordered eating and habits. Throughout my journey there have been many ups and downs. I ended up hiring a coach in 2020 that helped me kickstart weight loss but when the contract ended, all of the weight came back. I put a pause on my health during my last year of school and when I graduated, it was very hard to me to get back to where I wanted to be. Fast forward to 2022, I started with Revolution Health & Fitness to dial down on my nutrition and I feel better than ever! I have developed a powerlifting style of training and have never looked back. All about feeling strong, not skinny!!!

    I use my background in physical therapy in order to avoid the pain associated with heavy lifting and to advocate for safe lifting in the gym. Others have always come to me for advice due to my background and that is why I have decided that I would share my knowledge and help others prevent or recover from any injuries with Revolution. 

Our Values


As a collective, we deeply value collaboration. We collaborate daily with clients and our coaches with the goal of educating to empower.


Transparency, communication, relationship building, and an open-door policy define our approach to coaching both clients and other coaches.


We are capable of more than we know. Our model seeks to instill confidence and power to do hard things both inside and outside of the gym. We encourage our clients to reach for more while supporting coaches to succeed in their businesses.


We’re building an army of strong women who can take over the world, start an uproar, and go against the tide. We don’t believe in playing small in order to fit into society's norms. Let’s start a revolution.