All About Fiber
What is dietary fiber?
Fiber is the part of plant foods that your body can’t digest or absorb. Sounds weird, right? Well, its job is to increase the weight and size of your stool and soften it! This helps digestion because it gets things moving!
If you are having problems with constipation, you might not be eating enough fiber!
If you are having problems with diarrhea, you might be eating too much!
Soluble fiber
Dissolves in water to form a gel-ish material
Can help lower glucose levels and blood cholesterol
Can be metabolized by good bacteria in your gut
Common sources: beans, Brussel sprouts, oats, nuts, seeds, berries
Insoluble fiber
Promotes movement of material through your digestive system
Increases the bulk in stool
Good for those that struggle with constipation or irregular bowel movements
Common sources: Whole wheat flour, beans, cauliflower, leafy greens, brown rice, green beans
What are some other benefits of dietary fiber?
Lowers cholesterol levels
Helps control blood sugar levels
Helps you stay satisfied and “full” longer
Is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and cancers
How much should I be eating?
Women should eat around 20-30 grams per day, but this can vary depending on which phase of nutrition you are in!
How can you figure out how much fiber you are eating?
It’s listed on the nutrition label! If you’re eating something without a nutrition label, just google it! If you track your macros through MyFitnessPal, it’s automatically tracked and you can check it out on the nutrition tab.
How does fiber impact a fitness journey?
Generally, foods higher in fiber are lower calorie foods which can help you stay more consistent in a calorie deficit.
Regulated blood sugar levels can help better regular hunger levels
Fiber slows the breakdown of macros giving your body more time to absorb them to be utilized