Rest day?? No way, here for the GAINS!!
If you want to start seeing gains, you NEED rest days! Your body and muscles need time to rest and regenerate.
When working out, you create micro-tears within your muscles. When your muscles heal the micro-tears, that is when your muscles get bigger and stronger!
If you continue to keep skipping rest days for "the gains", your muscles will never get the opportunity to heal and build!
Other times your muscles heal those micro-tears are during REM sleep and adequate macronutrient consumption.
Without the combination of rest days, proper sleep, and adequate macronutrient consumption, you wont see the results you desire!
Need help figuring out the right balance of all of those things??? Well you have found the right team!! Reach out on our main page or to one of the coaches directly and we can lead you to the gain train!