Do you feel like you are doing EVERYTHING right but see no results??

Girl. I feel this with my whole soul. Butttttt, let's break it down!

1. How much water are you drinking????

Sometimes we forget how important it is to stay hydrated when it comes to a health and fitness journey! Take your bodyweight, divide it by 2, and aim to drink that much water each day!

2. How many steps do you take per day??

LIKELY, you aren't getting as much movement as you think. You think getting your workouts in each day will get you to where you need to be BUT getting <5,000 steps each day is considered a sedentary lifestyle, even if you are going to the gym! aim for 6,000-8,000 steps!

3. Are you using a food scale or measuring cup to track your food???

The most absolute and accurate way to track food is using a food scale. When using measuring cups, you will have a different measurement each time where as using a scale will get you exact measurements every time!

4. Are you tracking the butter or oil you use while cooking?

Calories from butter and olive oil add up FAST!!! If you are using 1-2 tablespoons of butter to cook your egg whites in the morning, you are adding 200cals to your meal! more than you thought right??

With this all being said, this is in no way a post to make you feel like you are doing everything wrong. This is a post to open your eyes to things you may have never considered!

This is exactly why having a coach that reads between the lines of your habits and lifestyle are so dang beneficial!!

Looking for someone to be that guide for you?? head over to @revolution_healthandfitness on insta and either shoot us a DM or use the application in our bio <3


Sweet Dreams & Strong Gains


Should you workout when feeling under the weather?