Should you workout when feeling under the weather?
Tis’ the season for coughs and congestion..
Clients often ask what should I do about my workouts if I am feeling sick, so I figured it would be a good topic to chat through during sick season. Hoping that you stay healthy and safe through the holidays of course!
But if you do find yourself feeling a little (or a lot) under the weather, here is my take on if you should push through and get in your workouts or not.
I used to be that girl that no matter what, I was showing up in the gym, coughing, runny nose, and all the above. Nowadays post covid I feel like that’s very frowned upon regardless, but I still hear of/ see a lot of people pushing themselves to get in their workout when they really should probably be in bed sipping a hot tea and getting some extra sleep.
When it comes to working out while you are sick, the biggest thing to consider is the fact that your body is already under stress with trying to get you back to being healthy and feeling 100%. So any workout that you are pushing yourself to do, you are only adding to that stress and energy expenditure that is going to make it tougher for your recovery from that workout and your illness.
So no matter if it’s just a head cold or the full blown flu… Rest, hydration, and nutrition (as best as you can) should be your main priority. The gym will always be there ready for you when you are feeling back to 100% and can have a more productive workout. Not to mention that pushing yourself to show up at the gym while pretty sick can often times prolong your sickness and keep you out of the gym even longer. So usually your best bet is going to be to stay away and hold off until you are on the mend.
However, if you are feeling pretty good energy wise, have been getting good rest, eating normal meals, and only have a few minor symptoms that are more of an inconvenience than something that is knocking you down for the count, then I would suggest getting in some movement! A walk, light weight or bodyweight workout, yoga/pilates would be great options and something a little less strenuous, but still a way to get your body moving in a way that will hopefully make you feel good.
DO NOT FEEL GUILTY for taking some extra and unplanned time off from working out while sick. This used to be my pitfall and the guilt would lead to me pushing myself to get in “just a light workout” and I would always convince myself that it would make me feel better. Which sure, there were few times when symptoms were pretty mild that I felt a little more energized and productive, but usually I could sense my body was struggling to get through the workout and looking back I know I shouldn’t have pushed myself to do it.
So if you are really stuck questioning whether or not you should workout, I would likely suggest focusing on rest and maybe a walk outside if you can. Or, give a 10 minute workout a shot and if you feel like once you start, you are into it and feeling good then continue on. But if you are really feeling sluggish and crummy, stop the workout and head back to the couch and hopefully sooner rather than later you will be back on your workout game and feeling strong.
Stay healthy and take care of your body this holiday season!