How To Stay On Track When You're Sick

We've all been there before...

You're getting into a groove with your workouts. You're on top of your nutrition. Then you wake up one day and feel absolutely terrible.

I had the pleasure of testing positive for COVID one month into my new health & fitness routine. I was just finding my groove and was feeling amazing with my workouts & hitting all of my nutrition goals.

Then, the week after attending a holiday party, I saw a message pop up in the said party group chat. "Just so you know, quite a few people are testing positive. You might want to go get tested if you haven't already." A few days later, I could barely get out of bed.

I used to get frustrated when I had setbacks like these in previous years, and would easily let something like this throw me off track.

But not this time! Now I had the knowledge and tools to stay on track with my health & fitness! So, what are the most important things to focus on?

1. Forget the "All or Nothing" Mindset

Let's face it. This mindset gets you nowhere. No one can always be all in, 100%, all the time. Especially when you're not feeling well. So, right off the bat, let's drop this mindset and focus on controlling what we can control in this situation.

2. Focus on water intake.

Hydration becomes even MORE important when you’re not feeling well, because your body is consistently losing fluids and electrolytes when you’re ill. Try to aim for at least 1/2 of your body weight in ounces of water, if not more!

3. Prioritize Rest, and Include Light Activity.

It is extremely important to prioritize rest during this time! But it is also a great idea to move your body if you are able! A light walk outside, or a lower intensity option (such as a short yoga flow or mobility drill) is a great way to get your body moving, without adding the stress of an intense workout, which has the potential to delay your healing/recovery time.

4. Eat micronutrient-dense foods.

Our body NEEDS food to heal and recover. Don't think that just because you might not be exercising or moving as much as you usually do, that you have to cut calories. Your body is working overtime to clear the infection/illness, so needs proper fuel! Stock up on smoothies, soups, low cal comfort foods and focus on hitting your calorie & protein goals!

So, the next time you're feeling under the weather, I challenge you to use the tips covered above and focus on what you can control in the situation while your body recovers!

Always here cheering you on,

♥ Coach Lex




Getting Back "On Track" Post-Holiday!