New Year, New You?

Instead of setting crazy New Year's resolutions that you likely will have forgotten by summer, what if you instead focused your energy this year on re-aligning with the person you want to be?

Maybe that is…

The person who is okay with staying in on a Friday night to read a book rather than going out to a social function you really didn’t even want to go to. 

The person who says YES to more social events, travel opportunities, and things you feel like you’ve denied yourself from in previous years because you felt it didn’t “align” with your health and fitness goals. 

The woman who limits time on social media and stops comparing her life to the highlight reel she sees online. 

Whoever that person is that you want to become or whatever it is that YOU want to do in 2024.. remember that you are the one either holding yourself back, or realigning yourself to what feels right for you and your goals. 

I think that’s something that a lot of us struggle with these days is that we aspire to be others we see on social media or lifestyles that aren’t realistic for ourselves (or our current life). Which I am not saying it’s bad to have big dreams and have people who you look up to, but I think sometimes that takes away from our ability to truly feel aligned with who we are and who we want to be! 

So let this year be the year you rediscover and realign yourself. Stop worrying or caring so much about what others think of you, and don’t be afraid to put yourself and your mental health first. 




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