Should you be tracking calories or macros?

When starting on specific nutrition goals, you may be wondering which tracking method is best for you: tracking calories or tracking macros. You may be thinking what's the difference?

Macronutrients consist of carbohydrates, fat, and protein, all which have caloric value.

- 1g of carbohydrates = 4 calories

- 1g of fat = 9 calories

- 1g of protein = 4 calories

Tracking calories allows you to set goals on how much energy you are taking in in a day. Tracking macros does the same, but just a little more in depth.

Here are the main differences ⬇️

Tracking calories:

- Will aid in weight loss or gain

- More flexible in what you are consuming

- Teaches you how many calories makes up foods and meals

Tracking macros:

- Will aid in specific physique goals: muscle growth, fat loss, body recomposition

- Requires strategy throughout the day to hit specific goals, especially protein

- Teaches you the macronutrient breakdown of foods

- Teaches you about the quality of the food you are eating

- You are indirectly tracking calories as well

- Helps prioritize well balanced meals

Is there a better method? Well, it depends on your goals! For our clients who track, some track calories, some track calories + protein, and most track macros.

If you are looking to get started, tracking calories at first may be the better option with the goal of eventually tracking macros once you get the hang of it. You may not care about specific physique goals but want to be in a calorie deficit, so tracking calories may be best for you. Or on the other hand, you may have specific physique goals, like building lean muscle, in which tracking macros will probably be the better option for you!

Lastly, if you have been thinking about tracking macros but are nervous on how to start because you think it will be too hard, just try!! Tracking with MyFitnessPal or other apps is tricky at first, but becomes easier over time.

If you are looking to get started, tracking calories at first may be the better option with the goal of eventually tracking macros once you get the hang of it. You may not care about specific physique goals but want to be in a calorie deficit, so tracking calories may be best for you. Or on the other hand, you may have specific physique goals, like building lean muscle, in which tracking macros will probably be the better option for you!

Unsure of how to even start and looking for some guidance on how much you should be eating for your goals? Apply to work with our team at 💛


Attention: night shifters!


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