Stop Comparing Yourself

Comparison is truly the thief of joy.

Whether it's in your fitness journey, your relationships, your professional life, it's so easy to look at others and compare yourself to that person.

But why do we do that!?

We HAVE to enjoy our own journey. Everyones life is going to look different and thats ok!! That's what makes life fun. Instead of looking at others in a negative light and comparing, celebrate them and use that as fuel to build and set your goals for yourself.

You see a girl in the gym lifting some heavy ass weight - don't think "damn I wish I could do that" instead think "I WILL do that one day!!"

You see someone get your dream job - don't think "screw them, I want that job" instead think "I'm going to work my ass off to get that job too!!"

What is life if we can't learn to celebrate every season of it?

And remember, you never know when someone is looking at you and thinking the same thoughts. YOU ARE SOMEONES GOALS so be proud yourself every step of your way.

Coach Devin <3


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