What is Progressive Overload?
Have you ever heard this term as you've scrolled through social media? But no one ever seems to say WHAT it actually is? Let me let you in on the secret! Progressive overload is the best and most accurate way to track our progress and get stronger and better in our lifts. No switching up workouts every week over here! Stick to the same workouts for 4-8 weeks at a time and watch your progress take off! There are many different ways to implement progressive overload so let's dive in to them!
Increase resistance - basically increasing the weight you are using. Be sure to not jump too high too fast! Slowly increasing weight in 5-10lb increments each week!
Increase reps - adding more weight isn't always the right answer. Stick with a weight you're comfortable with and try increasing by a few reps each week. Keeping in mind your goals with rep ranges. Not going over ~12 reps for muscle gain, anything over falls into the muscle endurance category!
Increase volume - adding more sets with a movement. If you typically work with 3 sets, try adding in a 4th or 5th!
Increase training frequency - you can train body parts more than 1x a week. Having trouble growing your quads or your back or your calves? Increase how often you train them!
Decrease your rest time - again, keeping in mind your goals! Decreasing your rest time requires your body to become more metabolically efficient with regard to anaerobic exercise (lifting weights!!)
Implement variations - add some extra ~spice~ to your movements! Drop sets, pyramid sets, supersets, pause work, tempo work and eccentric work are all amazing variations to add into your workout routine!
Improve form - the one that gets over looked!! Even if you are not progressing in any other way BUT your form is improving, that is still progressive overload! Remember, form over everything else. This needs to be addressed first before adding any more weight!
I know it can be frustrating to feel like you are stuck at a certain weight with movements but I encourage you to start implementing some of these other ways to see and improve progress <3
And we would love to help you! The Revolution coaches work each week with their clients on progressive overload in their individualized training programs! Click here to get started on your own progressive overload journey!