When was the last time you truly slept?
Sleep is one of the biggest factors not only in your fitness journey, but in your overall health. Any guess what? It's usually the factor that is overlooked the most! When sleep goes, everryythiinggg can start to go. So let's talk about how to get that quality sleep!
Finding a night time routine - taking a warm bath, lighting some candles, doing your skin care, cleaning your space
Limiting caffeine intake and screen time - ideally wanting to stop intaking caffeine by 2-3pm and stepping away from your screen around an1hour before bed
Setting the scene - keeping the thermostat at a cooler temperature, having clean sheets & and pillow cases, wearing comfy pajamas
Taking night time supplements (if needed) - sleepy time tea, melatonin, magnesium, are all great supplements to utilize as needed
Keeping things soothing - using a white noise machine, using the sleep mode on your phone, switching to a sunrise alarm clock
Hopefully these tips help you out or give you a place to start with your sleep journey <3