5 things you can do to be more successful in your health & fitness journey

Here are a couple of tips that can & will make a huge difference in your health & fitness journey:

1. Schedule out your workouts

It's very easy to push back workouts and say I'll get them done later this week... then later this week comes around and you actually have too much going on to squeeze them in. A fix for this is scheduling your workouts into your week and even adding them into your planner/calendar. Think about what you have going on this week and schedule them in where you can fit them. Once they're on your calendar, think of it as something you HAVE to do like an appointment or event, and follow through! Show up for yourself because you said you would!

2. Pre-plan and pre-track your food

Nothing is worse than getting home from work, having nothing prepared, and feeling too exhausted to put something together. Avoid this by pre-planning and preparing your food, especially on those busy work days. It doesn't have to be anything complex, but even having some meat prepared so you can throw together a quick meal is better than nothing. If you're tracking calories/macros, pre-tracking is a MUST to help you be successful in hitting your nutrition goals.

3. Make sleep a priority

Sleep, sleep, sleep. Unfortunately, it's one of the easiest things to slack on because we've got a lot going on! Sleep is just as important as exercise and nutrition. Poor sleep quantity and quality is linked to poor workouts, disrupted appetite regulation/bad eating habits, unregulated hormones, increased stress, weight gain, and so much more. Don't underestimated the power of a good night's sleep.

4. Center some of your social events around movement

For a lot of people, meeting up with friends is centered around grabbing food or drinks. To help eliminate all of those opportunities for poor nutrition decisions and feeling yucky afterwards, suggest meeting up to do an activity like going for a walk or grabbing a healthy breakfast instead. That way you are still able to keep up with your friends, but doing so in a way that keeps you on track with your goals.

5. Learn that saying no is okay

Thinking back to the point #4 above, depending on the phase of life you are in, there can be a lot of social pressure to do things that don't align with your health & fitness goals. While it is 100% encouraged to find a good balance and not restrict yourself from doing fun things that don't go hand in hand with your goals, learning that it's okay to CHOOSE yourself. It's okay to say no when it doesn't make sense for you right now. Surround yourself with people who support the decisions you make!


Are you someone who eats healthy and works out but feels like it's never enough?


Being Selfish in my Health Journey