Are you someone who eats healthy and works out but feels like it's never enough?

Do you put in the hours in the gym, and are conscious of what you are putting into your body, but just not really feeling like you are seeing the benefits or progress?

Feeling like you want to throw in the towel because what's the point anyways?

Trust me, you are not alone!

Whether you are just getting started on your health and fitness journey, or you've been giving it a go for a while now, you've most likely experienced at least some frustrations or disappointment with your progress (or lack thereof). Not trying to be discouraging or negative Nancy over here, but it's true that you are going to have to work through some of these frustrations!

This doesn't mean that you should sit there and continue to put in hours at the gym to see no payoff though...

There is likely some key aspect of your training or nutrition that isn't quite aligning with your goals. And trust me when I say, the problem isn't you!

It can be confusing as can be to figure out exactly what to eat, when to eat, how to workout, etc. Not to mention with conflicting opinions all over social media with one post telling you to follow the keto diet and the next explaining the importance of carbs for training. Personally sometimes when I am scrolling through social media all I want to do is throw my phone because of all of the misinformation and fear-mongering that accounts will use to get you to overhaul your diet and never eat your favorite foods again.

This isn't what nutrition is about. This isn't what you need in order to reach your goals.

Your health and fitness journey does not have to be as complicated as some people make it out to be.


Stop Comparing Yourself


5 things you can do to be more successful in your health & fitness journey