A new mom navigating getting back into fitness postpartum
Coach Megan here with a raw and real life update as a new mom trying to navigate getting back into her fitness journey with the hopes of encouraging any other moms out there. Whether you’re a new mom to be (or hopeful to be soon), in the thick of the newborn stage, or a well seasoned and experienced mama, I hope this blog post is helpful for you in your fitness journey too.
As I sit here writing this, I’m currently sitting in a dark nursery holding my little man with a growling stomach as I drink the rest of my (now) cold coffee. I attempted to start off the week strong with getting in a workout after I put him down for his first nap of the day, but 30 minutes into his nap and 15 into my attempted workout, here we are.
Sure, I could’ve attempted to put him back down after he was asleep again and get back to my workout, but with the way naps are going these days, I would rather sit here nap trapped and make sure he gets some good sleep in rather than having to come back up three different times to try and save the nap and end up with an overtired baby.
Naps used to be great and predictable 2 hours where I knocked so much off of my to do list and was left feeling ready to take on the rest of the day when he woke up. Nowadays I’m lucky if I get more than 30 minutes of independent sleep before I have to attempt to save the nap by holding him, wearing him, or give up and try again the next nap (he’s 3.5 months for reference).
From the Facebook groups, Google searches, and research I’ve done on baby sleep, this is very common and makes me feel a little more sane that I’m not the only one going through this phase. Some days are rough, some are great. It’s just all unpredictable. Some days I’m grateful for the snuggles and am soaking it up every chance I get, some days I need the rest too and am grateful I have him to slow me down. Some days I’m frustrated and upset because I feel like I’m trying so hard to get anything accomplished and left feeling defeated that I only got in a 10-15 minute workout.
We all know social media is a highlight reel and even I myself have probably been less transparent about how hard it’s been not only postpartum generally speaking, but trying to get back into exercise. A lot of life feels very conflicting right now. I want to work out, but some days I’m just too tired from a rough night of sleep. I want to be back where I used to be physically, yet I’m so incredibly grateful for all my body has done for me and the changes it’s gone through for such great reason. I want to push myself to my limits again while working out, but I know that slow and steady is what’s going to get me there. I’d love an hour workout, but sometimes 10 minutes is better than nothing.
It’s a constant internal battle that I have when that monitor goes off 15 minutes into my workout. I’m both happy I chose to move my body for what I could get in, but also frustrated that it rarely seems to end in a finished workout lately or one that is broken up throughout the day and takes me all day to finish (unless I have help at the house or I wait until my husband is home from work).
I’m trying to be proud of what I am able to do, but I can’t help but be a little selfishly frustrated. I keep telling and reminding myself that this short season of life isn’t about just me, it isn’t about getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight or body. It’s not my time to be selfish with my time (not saying I shouldn’t/don’t allow for time for myself, because that’s super important right now too).
Years from now I know I will look back on this short season of my life and miss it. I’ll miss the contact naps, the gummy baby smiles and noises that absolutely make my day, the late night nursing sessions knowing I’m providing comfort and nourishment to him, and watching him change and learn new things every day. I’ll never get these moments back, but I know I will eventually get more time to myself back. Which is why I’m choosing to not put so much pressure on myself in this season of life.
If a 15 minute workout is all I can muster up the energy for, great. If a workout gets cut short because my baby needs fed, that’s okay and I can attempt it again later. If most days out of the week my only form of movement is keeping my child alive, that’s a win in my book (and physically exhausting some days as is and the only exercise I need). Babywearing and stroller walks are still fabulous ways to get in movement and fresh air for everyone!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m still going to push myself to show up for myself every darn day because I know if I don’t take care of myself how can I take care of anyone else. But in this season of life, that’s just going to have to look a little different every day and I am pushing myself to be okay with that.
To all the mamas reading this, know you’re doing incredible work day in and day out. I hope reading this helps you not put so much pressure on yourself when it comes to postpartum exercise, to be proud of yourself, and to know that you truly are doing an amazing job. <3