How to make the most of your workouts
Every feel like you're just going through the motions with your training sessions OR do you feel absolutely wiped out afterwards? Both have a time and place but let's find that happy-medium ground where you are pushing yourself but aren't crawling out of the gym each time!
2 ways to track your workout intensity: RPE (rate of perceived exertion) and RIR (reps in reserve)
Both are tracked on a scale of 1-10 but are inverse from each other. So a 10 RPE will mean 0 RIR - both meaning max effort. These ranges are great for testing 1 rep maxes or if you are working to hit technical failure in a lift.
RPE 2-5 or RIR 5-8 are great ranges to stay in if you're in a deload period, you've been out working out for a while or you're just starting your training journey. Minimal soreness!
Majority of the time we want to work with RPE 7-9 or RIR 1-3, where intensity is high, you're pushing yourself, but you still have a few reps left to give
This helps to ensure that we don't overtrain and overwork our muscles each training