Things A Registered Dietitian Wants You to Know About Nutrition...

1. Nutrition isn't simply black and white, "good" or "bad".

There is a lot of grey area when it comes to nutrition and there is definitely not a one size fits all approach. There is so much more to food than just being "good" or "bad" and all foods have a purpose. What I do with my nutrition what what I eat likely won't make you feel your best. So keep in mind that what you see others doing on social media might not be the best thing for you personally. Nutrition is SO personalized and there are so many factors to determine what is going to be healthy for you and your body.

2. You can (and should) enjoy your favorite foods without feeling guilty.

Guilt should not be associated with eating, unless you stole the food of course. If you constantly are feeling guilty for eating some of your favorite comforting foods, it's time to assess your relationship with food. You should not have to justify your food choices of feel that you need to "make up" for what you ate with a hard workout the next day. There is no such thing as a perfect diet and you should be able to enjoy a warm chocolate chip cookie out of the oven without thinking you ruined your perfect day of eating.

3. Your food choices shouldn't be the most stressful part of your day.

When it comes to picking the "right" thing to eat, this shouldn't be something that brings stress in your life (unless you just have too many good options to choose from on the menu). If calories, points, and carbs are always on your mind and cause you to micromanage your food intake 24/7, this is not normal behavior around food. While yes, what you do put into your body does matter for your health, keep in mind that your relationship with food is just as important!

It's okay to have challenges with these aspects of nutrition, but if you feel as if these things are holding you back from living the healthy and happy lifestyle you want for yourself, know that seeking help is okay and that you shouldn't have to struggle with these things for the rest of your life! Learn more about our team and how we can help you by clicking here.


Healthy Lifestyles Are Cheaper Than You Think
